Sunday 6 September 2015

An Entrepreneur - Industrialist - Successful Business Magnet - Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic

A Successful Business Magnet
Richard Branson, A British industrialist, best known for his Virgin brand of companies.
What struck me were few subtle points about entrepreneurship. Let me rephrase those few points that you might find it useful, not just to your entrepreneurial journey but to the way you do things in life. Of course, we all have read, heard of many good advise; this too is one of those good ones and hope it finds its place in your heart.
I’m not writing or re-writing the philosophy of Richard Branson here, but rather pulling out the subtleties that I liked most. I hope you will like them too.
  • Never look back in regret; move on to the next thing. The amount of time and energy you waste dwelling on failures would be better off being channeled into another project.
  • Do not criticize other people. It’s a poor reflection of your own character.
  • Be foolish! Make a fool of yourself and be in the front for people to notice you and your work. Face problems upfront and be there in the battlefield.
  • Take risks. “The brave may not live forever — but the cautious do not live at all.”
  • There are no such things as failures. Just be quick enough to learn that something is not going well and either change tack or close the business. Many entrepreneurs who succeeded, have skirted very close to ‘failures’.
  • Do not dwell on regrets, move on to positive things.

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