Sunday 22 March 2015

Big Bro,Small Bro : B777 vrs B737

The most distunctive feature about the Boeing 737(B737) and the Boeing 777(B777) is their size.Think about it this way,the B777 is almost twice the dimensions of the B737.
I'm quite certain the basis for my comparison is fair  because they both are twin- engine aircraft.

Although the difference cannot be readily spotted from a distance,a few tricks can enable you to decipher from afar.We'll delve into that in one of my posts to come,though I'm still making a huge effort to master that.But let's have a look at the specifications of the two.

The B737 made it's debut into airline service somewhere as far back as the 1980s.And the B777, in 1995.

•Launched in October 1990 with United Airlines order for 34 aircraft
•Maiden flight in June 1994
•Versions include B777-200ER, B777-200 LR, B777-300, B777-300ER as well as B777 Freighter.
•Maximum passengers 400
•Cabin length 48.36 metres
•Cabin width 5.82 metres
•Fuselage length 62.94 metres
•Fuselage height 8.39 metres

•Launched in November 1964
•Maiden flight on 30th June 1997
•Major developments in 1981 with orders by SouthWest Airlines and USAir
•Versions include B737-300, B737-700(launched in 1993), B737-800(launched in 1994), B737-600(launched in 1995) and B737-900(launched in 1999)
•Maximum Passengers 189
•Cabin length 30.02 metres
•Cabin width 3.54 metres
•Fuselage length 38.02 metres
•Fuselage height 4.01 metres

In spite of the fact that the B777 boasts of a spectacular flight deck with state of the art modernised six large format LCDs, the B737 series of aircraft seem to have taken the lead in terms of popularity.It happens to be the favourite of a majority of plane lovers.Figures indicate that the B737 series of aircraft represents a whooping percentile of 25% of the world wide fleet of large commercial jets airliners,according to FlightGlobal.Like the saying goes, good things come in small packages and it's not always about size.

The Boeing 737 also achieved a record of 1500 deliveries in the space of six years.The Boeing 777-300 has a cool camera system which enables pilots have a complete 360 view of the tail and allows them to maneuver efficiently when taxiing on the ground.

It looks like the B777's pros have outnumbered that of the B737 but that's only my opinion. Manufacturers of the B737 have promised a new generation of more efficient,new wing design, and a cooler cockpit. CharlieBay is eagerly tracking news on new developments and I'm looking forward to a faster,safer and sleek aircraft in the future.

Did I leave anything out? Share your thoughts....

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